Town Hall Trust – AGM

By | 21st June 2017
Date: 21st June 2017
Time: From 7pm
Location: Lydney Town Hall

You are warmly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Lydney Town Hall management trust, which will take place from 7.00pm on Wednesday 21st June 2017 in the Town Hall.

This will give you an opportunity to find out how the Town Hall is doing, and to ask questions/make suggestions regarding the hall, its events, and its future.

The main items on the AGM agenda will be the following:-

– Presentation of the Annual Reports and Accounts
– Summary of activities and work of the committee over the last year
– Proposed activities at the hall over the coming year.

You will also have a chance to talk to the committee and helpers casually if you have any ideas or suggestions that you wish to broach informally.

We look forward to seeing you on 21st June.
